Black lives matter 

Black and White
Is a complete difference in color and shade 
The effect for darker and lighter objects are made

Black or White 
Is the difference in species 
One is privileged whiles the other picks the pieces 

Black on White
Is being blamed for rape ,assault and murder 
We’re known to break the law and order 

Black to White 
Is shedding our culture for a dollar
Our ancestors were chained and forced to cross the border
And we’re still treated like slaves but we have way more to offer 

Black is used to represent death , evil and the devil 
We’re left miniature jobs to set us way below their level

Black is always stigmatized but,
Black is supreme
Black is power 
And if being black means facing tribulations
Then I am ready
So together let’s strive to assert our dominance for
Our Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter
