
First hit , second , third , a fourth 

You’ll think he’s done till you see 

The bucket flying in from the north 

Blood oozing from her bruised eye

If I were Bruce I’d suit up 

I was about eight , 

Filled with terror 

Seeing my role model turn villain 

Was pure horror 

Mom screamed “get help!!”

But I was told to stay put

I was so scared I froze, 

And stayed put.

Watched her take the beat down” 

That in euphemism is well put. 

The truth is, 

This went on a lot of times,

But she still stayed 

She believed true love conquered

The hardest times 

A bit too much I think ,

And sadly, it goes on in a lot of families,

Domestic violence is not a common thing 

And shouldn’t be treated likely 

It has to stop !!