Never Mr. Perfect


I am the worse to many, 

But the best to few.

And like everyone, I’ll drop the penny 

When my death is due.

I haven’t always done the right thing ;

I’m not heavenly.

People judge you for the same things they do,

But heavily. 

Of course I’m in a world of sin ,

So I’ll pick up stains , I admit that.

But The Shepherd didn’t come for the healthy, 

He came for those who could no longer 

Stand the pain.

I am the worse to many,

But the best to few.

I’m trying really hard to change , 

But I’m not trying hard to change for you .

You’re not the measure anyway,

I’m done impressing people .

You either like me or walk away !

I’m just carrying my cross, dedicating my life to the course. 

Yes I might be the worse,

but definitely the Worse to Nun.