You know how you look straight
But your mind’s curved ?
Where you’re battling an entire state
You didn’t ask to serve ?
Feels of being a disappointment, not being worth it
Feeling scared?
And the negatives of you being a failure
Resounds in your head ?
You’re in debt,
Your academics are going head-first ?
Like bungee jumping off a cliff;
You were all roped until it clipped.
Now life is coming at you in 2160,
Then “Oh” led ,
Because there were no more bright ideas?
You entrusted your whole world to this being ,
Loved him or her so much that it caused your seeing.
The stars on that red flag meant more than fleeing.
And now that your blood has been smeared
Across one giant star
You can’t think straight ?
You’re depressed?
Life has suddenly taken to the north ?
I understand, I’ve been in your shoes.
Yes we might not wear the same size,
But suicide is never an option;
There are better ways to end up in the news.
There are better ways to correct mistakes,
So many options aside death you could use.
The most successful people have the worst
Come-up stories ,
Your challenge is no excuse !!
The world moves on quickly Charle ,
Don’t be the muse !!