The Coastal Suburbs


I am often asked what inspires me as an individual, and where I draw my energy. For some reason, I am always unable to pinpoint a particular element. I mean, who could blame me? Life in the suburbs presents you with an array of ingredients, condiments, and utensils—nothing is ever already made. I have been observing the recurrent toil of fishermen, who are constantly drowning in insomnia and even awake before the cock gets a shut-eye. They battle mighty waves with skills acquired over their lengthy tenure in office, only to sometimes amass as little as a basket full of scales. Yet they are able to ensure their families stay afloat—that was quite poetic, though.

I admire the single mother, a fishmonger, who is the earliest at shore to purchase the fisherman’s prize. And, later investing that chicken change to change the dynamics of her children’s lives by putting them through basic school. I bet they always have fish for dinner and lament for change too—the irony. In simpler terms, I’m inspired by how these people find roses in thorns despite charring their clothes in the process. Nevertheless, they ensure the needs of their offspring are met. They’re never ungrateful and are always eager to help whenever the need arises. I admire these little people, as proposed by the hierarchy of society. It is in this environment that I find the courage and enthusiasm to face whatever challenging feats life presents. It is here that I receive training and counsel to never refuse any opportunity that is afforded me. The coastal suburbs—an abode of resilient men. This is what inspires me!