And to the violets forever staying blue.
Here is to those butterflies in my stomach never settling.
An unending turn whenever I’m next to you.
Here is to the dream of walking down the aisle.
My fingers locked in yours,
As we walk past our past, families, and shortcomings,
To make sure the shot coming, has us tied in a knot.
I have been tossing and turning.
Roaming and yearning
For the day I meet my pair.
For my sight has been impaired.
From constantly watching others in pairs.
Now I walk the streets wearing a big, broad smile,
Eager to tell everyone, “It’s because of her!”
Here is to never seeing the point of love.
Until, I too, had my heart in a “V.”
I have never been this attached.
But now, even a few seconds away from my honey
Is enough to make me a grumpy bee.
Love is blind, right ?
But who needs eyesight when your sweet voice is the ultimate form of direction?
Here is to giving me, of all people,
A chance to have and hold you.
Here is to sticking really close despite my tantrums and many imperfections.
Here is the fit of the glass slipper;
My fairytale come alive.
Here, on my knee,
I express my deepest feelings and gratitude.
I take to my knee to say,
I love you.
Here is to you!